Medical human rights organization warns of collapse of Jerusalem hospital services

Medical human rights organization warns of collapse of Jerusalem hospital services

JERUSALEM _ Palestine News Network

Doctors for human rights warned Sunday that health services in Jerusalem´s hospitals would collapse after the US administration decided to cut more than 20 million dollars in support of the hospitals.

According to the website of the newspaper "Ha´aretz," the organization condemned the American decision and considered it a fatal blow to the health system, which deals with hundreds of thousands of sick Palestinians every year.

The organization stressed the right to health for thousands of Palestinian patients, noting that the decision would affect hundreds of thousands of them and deprive them of the necessary medical response.

Israel blamed the consequences of the decision, saying, "Israel cannot stand idly by, and must do everything possible to thwart the Trump government´s decision, or to be prepared to take responsibility for the health of Palestinians who are under Israeli control, either directly or indirectly."

According to Ha´aretz, the decision to put the surgeries in some hospitals at risk, noting that patients receiving treatment mainly and benefiting from the support are residents of the West Bank and Gaza Strip and come to the city of Jerusalem for complex surgeries.

She noted that hospitals were experiencing an economic crisis and that they were on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse partly because of their accumulated debts.