Media of Occupation: Israel prepares to convene international conference to confront the BDS

Media of Occupation: Israel prepares to convene international conference to confront the BDS

Media sources revealed that the occupying government is preparing to hold an international conference in occupied Jerusalem, which has been called by European countries to discuss ways of tackling the BDS province´s movements.

The Minister of Strategic Affairs Gilad Ardan has appealed to dozens of countries to stop funding for provincial organizations calling for the boycott of Israel, a local newspaper said on Friday.

She added that Ardan had asked EU commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker to examine whether the funds diverted by the Union to Palestinian organizations had been used to encourage the boycott of Israel.

He called for refraining from transferring funds in the future that promote the boycott of Israel.

The Israeli minister claimed that the European Union was converting at least 5 million euros annually to organizations calling for the boycott of Israel.

"Yisrael Hume" said that following talks between Ardan and the foreign Minister of the European Union, the EU agreed to Israel´s request to immediately end funding for organizations that promote the boycott and ensure full transparency of the funds already provided to these organizations.

She noted that the closure of the Department of "Human Rights and the administration of international humanitarian law", a European government funding mechanism contracting Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland, had been approved.

Some 350 participants from 30 countries are expected to arrive in Israel next week to attend an international conference aimed at coordinating the fight against delegitimize Israel and the boycott campaign against it, she said.

According to the newspaper, the occupying Power claims that the Israeli BDS boycott movements are masquerading as human rights organizations with the aim of raising money from the western countries.

The seventh Hebrew channel said that in Jerusalem next week, two major anti-boocott conferences will be held, with the participation of hundreds of representatives from all over the world.

The two conferences will be held next Wednesday at the Anbal Hotel in Jerusalem, which was launched by the Israeli Strategic Affairs Ministry as part of the campaign to confront Delegitimize Israel, she said.

One of the goals of the conferences was to strengthen the pro-Israel global network and provide tools for action to thwart boycott campaigns against Israel.

"The first conference will be held under the title of the Global Alliance for Israel, a network established in 2011 to serve as a platform for cooperation between all organizations and activists who support Israel," she said.

Speakers at the conference will include the Minister of Public Security and strategic affairs of the Israeli Government, Gilad Ardan, and the Special Envoy of US President Donald Trump to fight anti-Semitism Alan Carr, she said.

The second conference will be held by the global Legal Network, an organization established by the Ministry of Strategic Affairs of Israel and the International Legal Forum to serve as a platform for legal cooperation and initiatives.

The network is made up of senior law advocates from all over the world who work in different ways to combat delegitimize Israel and boycott initiatives.

According to the channel, the participants will discuss a range of professional issues, including international criminal law, innovations in international legislation relating to Israel and the bureaucott campaign against it, the legal struggle against modern anti-Semitism, and other issues.

The "bds" movement is a global movement launched in 2005, calling for the boycott of the Israeli occupation, the withdrawal of investment and the imposition of sanctions; even complains of international law and basic human rights principles, which guarantee the Palestinians their right to self-determination and allow the return of refugees.