Luxury restaurants increase the proportion of tourism in Italy

Luxury restaurants increase the proportion of tourism in Italy

Old castles and vineyards cover the hills of Italian villages and see the snow-covered Alpine peaks, making the landscape in northern Italy around Barolo a paradise.

This paradise is full of medieval villages, world-renowned spirits and Michelin-starred restaurants, a guide to assessing the excellence of restaurants and chefs. The region south of Turin is a magnet for food and beverage enthusiasts. Over the world, who head to this region to taste truffles (a kind of white fungus), Barolo wine and other local delicacies.

But not so long ago, this food paradise was just a patch of land with no features. This description shows Massimo Camia, who was born a few kilometers from Barolo and is now a Michelin star. "Our area was very poor until a few decades," he says. .

There are 14 Michelin-starred restaurants in the Barolo region, attracting food and beverage enthusiasts from around the world. The restaurants here are fantastic. Antica Corona Reale in Cerveri has two stars and Piazza Duomo in Alba has three. Star.

But Kamiya is modest if he does not attribute to the region´s boom. "Without the wineries in Barolo, none of those visitors would come here," he said. With wine, wealth came with little help from the French.

The production was so impressive that it gave a good impression to Count Benso di Cavour, who became the first prime minister of Italy. A kind of cheap alcohol harmful to health.

Today, the Grintzani Cavour Castle has become one of the destinations in the wine tour of the region. UNESCO is a World Heritage Site due to the culture of the development of its vineyards.

In fact, Barolo wine ripens after 20 years of storage.

The land around Barolo is very precious. "The price per hectare of this land ranges from 10 million to 15 million euros," says Marcela Berges, an area worker.

She knows everything about Barolo in detail, and her mother worked at the famous Antica Corona Reale in Cervieri, a popular food destination where guests can dine in a relaxing atmosphere in the restaurant´s garden.

The restaurant is crowded with guests at lunchtime, probably because of the performance of singer Paolo Conte on the semi-ring stage.

The 82-year-old singer was born in the Italian city of Asti and is still alive and well in spirit. "In some of my songs I explore the secrets of landscapes as well as people," he says. Piedmont and the population living in the coastal province of Liguria. "

His songs pay tribute to his hometown, he recommends visiting Turin, which he describes as "one of the most beautiful Italian cities", as well as visit the interior of the city of Asti, and says that "the smell of straw gives you a sense of spaciousness and secrets of the landscape."

Exploring the secrets of the landscape is likely to end with lunch at the Antica Corona Reale, which Michelin Guide describes as the brightest spot of Piedmont´s cuisine, where chef David Ostorero uses only ingredients from the restaurant´s garden or from nearby farms.

The restaurant owner, Gian Pero Vivaldi, says the restaurant has been in operation for 200 years and has occasionally hosted the King of Italy.

Although the wine has placed this area on the map, it now draws its popularity from restaurants scattered throughout.

History has helped drive tourism, with many of the old castles being turned into fabulous hotels, such as the 18th-century Castello di Giorani castle, whose character has not been altered by heritage conservation controls, says Director Rita Bailey. The hotel suites are rich in antique furniture.