Lavrov: Washington will not succeed on its own in settling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Lavrov: Washington will not succeed on its own in settling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Moscow _ Palestine News Network

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday that the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not possible without the United States, but the latter will not succeed alone.

Lavrov said at a joint press conference with his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki:  "With all the importance of the United States, this is understandable, that reaching an agreement will not succeed without them, but it must be understood, that the United States will not reach an agreement on its own," according to the Russian agency "Sputnik ".

"It is therefore necessary to return to the collective formulas, the international Quartet, the United States, Russia, the United Nations and the European Union, in close coordination with the League of Arab States," he said.

"We are worried about the attempts... Undermining the international legal foundations of the Palestinian-Israeli settlement, established in resolutions, including binding resolutions of the United Nations.

For his part, Maliki asserted that Palestine rejected any monopoly role of the United States in the political process because of its full bias to Israel, noting the importance of forming a multilateral framework for activating the peace process, according to channel "Russia Today ".

Al-Maliki said his talks with Lavrov addressed the question of restoring the unity of the Palestinian class, and he welcomed Ramallah with every effort "to persuade Hamas to abide by the October 2017 agreement and to work towards its implementation in order to fully end the internal Palestinian division and prepare For the presidential and legislative elections  ".