Kisan village faces plans to displace its people and destroy its features by settlement

Kisan village faces plans to displace its people and destroy its features by settlement

Israeli occupation bulldozers continue for the sixth day in a row large-scale bulldozing operations in the lands surrounding Kisan village, about 20 km from the city of Bethlehem.

Hussein Ghazal, the head of the village council, said that the bulldozers started sweeping land, claiming that the lands are military, where dozens of trees were uprooted and dozens of electrical poles were installed, noting that these actions indicate the existence of a settlement plan that serves two settlements built on the part of the lands, and therefore there will be results of a settlement plan New not far from the displacement of the village´s 800 citizens.

The Kisan Village Council and the people of the village appealed to governmental and international institutions and human rights institutions to take action to protect the lands surrounding their village, as the occupation carries out theft and plunder of lands, taking advantage of the conditions it goes through on the pretext that the agricultural lands that are being attacked and changing its area are about 60 dunums on the pretext that they are military lands where The occupation tries to obliterate the Palestinian presence, tighten the noose on the villagers, and isolate the area from the neighboring villages with the aim of deporting the residents and displacing them from their homes and lands.

The bulldozing operations are considered one of a series of attacks on the land and the residents that do not end, and these forces have previously erected a gate on the outskirts where no citizen can reach his home without permission from the occupation forces

The afflicted village.

Ghazal said that the village located east of the city of Bethlehem, has been afflicted, and its residents suffer the scourge in the face of the ongoing settler attack since 2000, which affected people and stone. Who will permanently isolate her from her surroundings

The village of Kisan is located to the east of Bethlehem and is inhabited by about 800 people. It is bordered by two settlements built on its land east: Ma´ali Amos and Avi Menachem, and half of the area of ​​the village located on 2 square kilometers was seized for settlement purposes, with the village lacking transportation services , The electricity network, and the health clinic, which prompted the head of the village council to call on all parties to support the residents´ resilience in the face of settlement plans that will swallow hundreds of acres.

Land theft continues

Ghazal adds that the occupation continues to steal the land with various pretexts, which prompted 15 families to leave and search for a place to live, and the matter does not stop at the level of building prevention, as the demolition notices for homes continue, even those that were built years ago, pointing out that 30 homes are threatened with demolition in Only the last five years, despite the presence of official documents on the ground.

Ghazal says, ´The general situation has become unbearable in the village due to the health status due to the presence of 3 Israeli crushers that cause dust covering the entire area, creating cases of asthma and shortness of breath, causing many to leave the village in search of a healthy place, except for the impact on crops and losses. The mass behind it, in addition to the presence of a landfill near the village, has become a healthy objection, and its unpleasant smell keeps the noses around the clock.

Target livelihood

Ghazal notes that the occupation threatens the population in their livelihoods, as they rely primarily on livestock raising, which are facing great dangers due to the prevention of occupation by the breeders from accessing the designated rangelands in Khalat Al-Qawar and Al-Sahl sites. He adds that these violations have reduced the livestock from 3 thousand sheep To just two thousand, the number is threatened by decreasing more and more, as violations continue.

Ghazal notes that with the continued construction banning in the village, parents have been forced to close a kindergarten and transform it into a 100 square meter school, in addition to renting rooms and setting up mobile homes used as classrooms.

And he confirms that there are many difficulties facing students upon completing the tenth grade and heading to the schools of the town of Tuqu ´, where they are forced summer and winter to walk 5 kilometers, except for the threat to their lives by the settlers, the last of which was the right of the student Moaz Ismail Ghazal when he was run over by a settler.

Urban space does not mention the proportion of the total area

The Institute for Applied Research "Areej" has indicated in a report that the urban area in the village of Kisan constitutes a small percentage of the total area, as construction in it is prohibited, reclaimed or utilized in any way without a special permit from the occupation.

"Areej" said that the village was robbed of hundreds of acres to build to build and expand settlement outposts, except for the construction of detour roads such as Street No. 90 and 3698 with a length of 16.1 km, in addition to 428 dunums to establish an Israeli military base west of the settlement "Shalem".

According to the institute, the wall of racist annexation and expansion, if completed, will rob 87344 of the village´s lands, or 65.5% of its lands.