Killed by explosion at a Russian bomb factory

Killed by explosion at a Russian bomb factory

Moscow _ Agencies

Three people were killed and four injured in an explosion on Friday at a bomb factory in Russia´s Dzergensk city, 400 kilometers east of Moscow, local officials said.

The local branch of the Russian Federal Commission of Inquiry said in a statement on its website that an investigation was underway to find out the cause of the explosion in the factory of Sverdlov State Company.

The explosion was caused by an accident as workers were destroying old anti-tank mines for the Defense Ministry, the Russian Information agency quoted Mikhail Lipdev, acting director of the company, as saying.

He said five people were still missing after the blast.

In a separate incident on Friday, two workers were killed in an explosion at the Kuznetsov plant in the Samara area. The plant produces rocket engines and aircraft for the government´s giant state company for the manufacture of weapons.

Investigators said the accident occurred when the oxygen tank was cleaned.