Justice Minister: Muller´s report shows that Trump did not cooperate with the Russians in the 2016 elections

Justice Minister: Muller´s report shows that Trump did not cooperate with the Russians in the 2016 elections

 US Secretary of Justice Bill Barr said on Thursday that Muller´s report on Russia´s intervention in the 2016 presidential election showed that President Donald Trump and his campaign did not cooperate with the Russians, prompting the president to announce his delight even before public opinion Congress on the report.

After Barr´s press conference before the report was published, Trump wrote on Twitter, "The game is over," and added, "I´m doing well today."

Barr revealed four weeks ago in a summary of the report that private investigator Robert Mueller confirmed the lack of collusion between Trump and the Russians who sought to influence the 2016 presidential election to trump Trump.

"We now know that the Russian clients who carried out these schemes have not received any cooperation from President Trump or his campaign," Barr reiterated at the press conference.

In a statement that sought to form a special concept on the report before it was published, Barr said, "The private investigator has not found any collusion with the Americans ... that is the point."

The secrecy surrounding the 22-month-old Muller investigation ended when the Justice Department released a summary of the report on Thursday, which was made available to the public, Congress and the media.

While left-wing opponents hoped Muller would charge Trump with crimes or provide evidence that would serve as a basis for isolating the president, the report´s findings so far have tended to sway the right-wing president.

"No collusion, no obstruction, the game is over," Trump wrote on Twitter.

The justice minister appointed by Trump confirmed this in a summary of Muller´s report a month ago.

At the press conference, Barr said he remained committed to his rule and pointed out that Trump had no intention of obstructing the investigation, but was only "frustrated and angry".

"The White House fully cooperated with the investigation by the Special Envoy, provided access to campaign documents and the White House, and directed senior aides to testify freely."

"At the same time, the president did not take any step that prevented the private investigator from having any documents or witnesses to complete his investigation, and did not use any powers he had" to do so.

The publication of the report, although partially obscured by legal or security reasons, would theoretically give everyone the chance to get the full picture of the conspiracy case.

But given the intense tension in Washington and the country´s split before the 2020 presidential election, a heated debate is likely to continue over what happened.

The issue of whether the Trump campaign team colluded with Moscow, and whether the president sought to obstruct the investigation, has dominated the political scene in Washington over the past two years.

Special investigator Robert Mueller, former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), was appointed to investigate Russian efforts to intervene in the 2016 presidential election and give Trump a lift.

However, the preliminary summary of Muller´s report did not answer the question of whether Trump tried to block the investigation, which was why Washington was waiting for the report to be published on warmer volumes.

Barr confirmed Thursday that Trump had not committed any legal mistake.

He confirmed that Trump lawyers had seen the revised version of the report earlier this week before it was published on Thursday.

"White House did not make changes to the final report and did not use the executive authority to protect the White House´s internal information," he said.

But Trump Democrats´ opponents in Congress will review the report´s summary to see if the "10 times" of possible obstruction could form the basis for an investigation with the president in order to isolate him.