Journalists arrested in Jerusalem

Journalists arrested in Jerusalem

 Israeli occupation forces arrested on Friday a team of journalists while preparing an episode of "Good Morning Yakdis" program, which is broadcast every Friday through the official Palestine TV channel after they confiscated their cameras and broadcast equipment.

The journalists who were arrested were: media workers Christine Rinawi and Dana Abu Shamsiyya, and photojournalists Ali al-Yassini and Amir Abed Rabbo, and the guest of the captive editor Mohammed al-Abbasi.

Israeli occupation forces and the so-called border guards stormed the area of ​​the ring in the Mount of Olives in the Old City of East Jerusalem.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation forces closed the Palestine TV studio in occupied Jerusalem three weeks ago, and prevented them from broadcasting, but the staff insisted on broadcasting the program from the streets of Jerusalem.