Joe Biden succeeds in the task of uniting the Democratic Party

Joe Biden succeeds in the task of uniting the Democratic Party

Joseph Rubent Jr., the Democratic Party’s candidate for the US presidential elections scheduled for November 3, gathered all of his party’s wings during his “exemplary” nomination conference that will be compared to the Donald Trump conference that begins Monday.

And Thursday, former Vice President Barack Obama, 77, concluded the four-day Democratic Conference with a speech in which he promised Americans that during his tenure he would seek reconciliation and national unity and turn the page on Trump´s four years in power.

"The current president has brought America into the dark for a very long time. A lot of anger, a lot of fear, a lot of divisions," Biden said in a speech that spanned 25 minutes, a short period of time given the entire conference was held online.

"Now and here, I promise you: If you give me your confidence and entrust me with the presidency, I will come out better, not worse, what we have. I will be an ally of the light, not of the darkness."

His nomination was the culmination of his political career that began in 1973 as a Delaware Senator. Biden lost twice in the previous Democratic primaries, and Barack Obama chose him in 2008 to run with him as his deputy.

The year 2020 is the best for Biden. Despite the progress of more than 20 candidates in the primaries, "Joe" imposed himself within a few days in March, at the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic, and they were allocated with the withdrawal of Bernie Sanders from the race in early April.

And unlike the contentious 2016 primaries, in which Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders rejected consensus, a consensus emerged about Joe Biden without public disagreements, in line with his image as a moderate, inclusive and quiet figure.

Bernie, the Socialist senator, appeared smiling and praising Biden Thursday evening during a hypothetical debate between seven former primary candidates broadcast at the conference, and each narrated anecdotes about the humanity of the former vice-president and senator.

Sanders said, "Joe Biden is a person with a great deal of compassion, sincerity and respect, which is something at this period in American history (...) our country desperately needs it."

As for his primary rival, Camilla Harris, she joined him to run for vice president.

It seems that the exceptional circumstances of the election campaign are not yet an obstacle to Joe Biden, who is strictly bound by the health protocol and not campaigning on the ground, while maintaining his progress in the opinion polls.

In a statement to "MSNBC" television, Hillary Clinton, the defeated Democratic candidate in the 2016 elections, said, "This is going better than I expected." She added, "The Biden team did an exceptional job of organizing the conference, bypassing several technical hurdles."

The unity of the Democratic camp is reinforced by the common hostility of Donald Trump, who, unlike what happened in 2016, no longer benefits from reducing his opponents.

The president will be formally nominated by the Republican Party next week during a conference, a large part of which will be held via the Internet, although he wanted to organize it in its usual form, and its details are still unknown, except that Trump will deliver his nomination speech from the White House.

The president adopted an aggressive tone throughout the week, by trying to portray Obama´s support for "sleepy atmosphere" as a negative, presenting him as a symbol of the dominant elite, as a doll in the hands of the hard-line left and as a follower of China.

"In 47 years, Joe has done nothing of what he says. It will never change, only words," Trump said on Twitter.