Jewish extremists attack church in northern occupied Palestine

Jewish extremists attack church in northern occupied Palestine

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

According to media sources, Jewish extremists attacked a church located in the north of occupied Palestine in 1948.

The extremists, she said, extracted a metal cross that was rising above the church of "Banias " located at the site called the "Baniyas monastery".

According to him, a complaint was lodged with the Israeli occupation police on suspicion of wilful acts of vandalism.

The church has been abandoned since the Israeli occupation of the occupied Syrian Golan in 1967.

The church´s representatives in the country declared their intention to renovate the church and re-use it as a place of prayer and worship.

In this context, at the end of December last December, the Church of ´ Maaloul ´ was subjected to vandalism against a racist background, as a Jewish terrorist attempted to uproot a large cross from the church square, but did not succeed by breaking it, but causing it to twist, he escaped after being noticed by a number of residents.

In June June 2015, Jewish extremists burned the church of the Block (Church of bread and fish) on the shores of the Lake Tiberias (north).

Last October, they assaulted a Christian cemetery in the west of the occupied city of Jerusalem, including the breaking of crosses and tombstones.