Jenin: The occupation releases two prisoners and sentences a university student to prison

Jenin: The occupation releases two prisoners and sentences a university student to prison

This evening, Wednesday, the Israelioccupation  authorities released theJenin, after he spent two years in prison, and the young man, Abdel Razek Fraihat from Al-Yamoun, after two months of detention.


The editor, Naim, spent his last detention between investigation, sentencing, and administration. He was released from the "Raymond" desert prison after suffering, delay and extension that were repeated several times, especially a day before the end of his sentence, as he lived through difficult moments before reaching the Al Dhaheriya crossing, and was greeted by his family and at the forefront Taha, son of the martyr "Daoud", one of the leaders of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs´ Brigades in Palestine, who was martyred on the land of Jenin camp in the middle of last month.

Despite the feelings of sadness and pain since the tragedy of Daoud’s assassination, feelings of joy and happiness prevailed in Jenin camp , and large crowds and representatives of the forces, factions, activists, resistance and the people of maintaining the Zubeidi family home in the camp flocked to congratulate the liberation of Naim, who spent a total of 5 years in the occupation ’s prisons , and was released from Raymond prison.

During the past years, the occupation arrested Naim´s father, the liberated prisoner Jamal al-Zubaidi, while his brother Youssef is still behind bars in administrative detention, and he is the cousin of the prisoner Zakaria al-Zubaidi, a leader in the Al-Aqsa Brigades and a member of the Revolutionary Council of Fatah. .


In this context, the Salem Military Court sentenced a 20-year-old university student, Ziad Jamal Al-Shati, from Jenin refugee camp, to actual imprisonment, and imposed a fine on him.

His activist mother and freed captive Asmaa Kharoub told "Al-Quds".com, that after a harsh investigation and arrest that lasted 7 months, a court sentenced her son, a student at Birzeit University, to an actual prison term of 16 months, a fine of 4,000 shekels, and a 20-month suspended sentence. for five years.

She stated that the occupation forces arrested her son, Ziyad, at a piloted military checkpoint that they had erected on Jenin Street - Nablus on October 24, 2021.