Japanese restaurants use cutlery made of plants instead of plastic

Japanese restaurants use cutlery made of plants instead of plastic

Tokyo - Restaurant operators will start using tableware and containers made from plant-based materials instead of knives, forks and plastic spoons, while trying to cut plastic waste, Japan Radio and Television reported. NHK on Sunday.

Skylark Holdings, Japan´s largest family restaurant operator, will start adopting the policy for some 2,800 outlets.

The company will start using plant bags and cutlery in December and February, respectively. Containers from plants will be used next year.

The company hopes that the program will reduce its annual plastic waste by about 150 tons. A company official says it wants to do what it can to help deal with environmental issues.

A study reported in June that humans around the world consume on average five grams of plastic per week.

Marco Lampertini, managing director of WWF, said the findings should be a "warning" to governments around the world to limit the use of plastics.