Jadu calls on Germany to play a role in stopping Israel´s "forced displacement" of Palestinians

Jadu calls on Germany to play a role in stopping Israel´s "forced displacement" of Palestinians

The Assistant Foreign Minister for European Affairs, Ambassador Amal Gado, on Wednesday called on Germany and European countries to play a role in stopping the "forced displacement" practiced by Israel against the Palestinians.

"The Palestinian side will take several steps, including going to the International Criminal Court against Israel," she said in a statement after meeting with Deputy Director of the Middle East Department at the German Foreign Ministry Florian Bockardt in Ramallah.

Jado stressed the importance of mobilizing international and diplomatic efforts in the face of increasing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people and their lands.

And demanded in particular to "address the systematic Israeli policy of forced displacement of Palestinians" after the demolition of 12 residential buildings of more than 70 apartments in Jerusalem two days ago.

"The facts imposed by the Israeli occupation on the ground kill the two-state solution, which calls for urgent international movement and European recognition of the state of Palestine and create a political horizon to enable the two-state solution before it is too late," she said.

Gado thanked the German side for Germany´s financial and development support for Palestine, and looked forward to holding the fifth Palestinian-German ministerial meeting in Ramallah.

The statement quoted the German official as confirming her country´s position on the two-state solution on the 1967 borders and supporting Palestinian reconciliation efforts.

The German official also met with the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Saeb Erekat, and discussed with him the latest developments in the Palestinian territories and ways to strengthen bilateral relations.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Palestine said that "the reactions of the international community to the White White coup against international legitimacy and the foundations of the international system are not yet up to the required level that enables countries to protect the international system and its foundations."

In a statement, the ministry condemned the statements made by US negotiator Jason Greenblatt during a UN Security Council session yesterday to discuss Israeli demolitions in Jerusalem.

The US envoy "deliberately chose to ignore this crime and escape from its political, moral and legal entitlements to talk about a so-called American peace plan."

He added: "Greenblatt could not face the enormity of the crime and its repercussions and the suffering of the Palestinian families because of it, hiding its full adoption of the occupation´s narrative and attitudes. He reiterated the US administration´s rejection of international law, UN resolutions and international consensus as the bases and references to the alleged American peace plan in defiance of states and their permanent representatives in the Council. Security".