Israeli order to seize 500 dunams east of Jerusalem

Israeli order to seize 500 dunams east of Jerusalem

Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOF) on Saturday ordered the seizure of 500 dunams of Palestinian land in the town of Hizma, east of occupied Jerusalem .

The mayor of Hizma, Muslim Abu Hilou, said that the occupation authorities handed over the civil link decision to seize about 500 dunums of land located adjacent to the settlement of "Adam" built on Palestinian land.

Abu Hilo explained that the targeted lands are located in the basins of the town adjacent to the village of Jaba ´and east of the south of Al-Ram town . Stressing: "The decision of the occupation to seize land is only for the expansion of the settlement."

It is noteworthy that the town of Hizma is surrounded by four settlements, and is the main artery linking the northern and southern West Bank, and one of the main gates of the city of Jerusalem .

The Israeli occupation authorities have recently stepped up its policy of seizing large areas of Palestinian land in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem .