Israeli occupation forces arrest seven citizens of Issawiya, including a child and a girl

Israeli occupation forces arrest seven citizens of Issawiya, including a child and a girl

 Israeli occupation forces arrested seven residents of the town of Issawiya in the center of Jerusalem, most of them from a single family, and turned them into detention centers and detention centers in the occupied West Bank.

The arrests included: Ngham Mohammed Hassan Alian (16 years old), Mu´tasim Hamza Obaid, Yousef Hashim Alian, Majid Suleiman Dari, Mohammed Alyan and Anas Alayan.

Israeli soldiers also stormed the house of Yusuf Mustafa ´Obeid and arrested his son Fadi after the attack on his family.

The occupation continues its campaign of arbitrary in Issawiya about two months ago, during which dozens of young men and children were arrested, as well as the daily abuse of citizens.