Israeli occupation demolishes two houses in Jerusalem

Israeli occupation demolishes two houses in Jerusalem

The Israeli municipality of Jerusalem forced a citizen to demolish his house on Tuesday in the town of Issawiya, east of Jerusalem.

According to local sources, the Israeli occupation forces forced Maqdisi Sabah Abu Rmeileh to demolish his house, under the pretext of lack of authorization.

Israeli bulldozers also demolished another house in Beit Hanina, owned by Eyad Khalil al-Kiswani.

Al-Kiswani, in press statements, that he "did not receive any notice of demolition, and the occupation forces evicted his wife and children by force before the demolition of the house, an area of ​​140 meters."

He pointed out that he lives with his wife and three children, the oldest at the age of 16 years, the youngest 13 years.

The Israeli municipality targets the Palestinian structures in Jerusalem by demolishing them.

After the construction of Jerusalem, the municipality pursues it, whether by imposing violations on the construction, or forced to demolish itself, or demolish through its mechanisms and suddenly, and there are hundreds of Jerusalemites who follow the cases of their "unauthorized" facilities in the Israeli courts, in order to license.