Israeli forces arrest Palestinian doctor from Hebron

Israeli forces arrest Palestinian doctor from Hebron

Israeli occupying forces arrested a Palestinian doctor on Sunday during a military roadblock in the Old City of Hebron (south of occupied Jerusalem).

"The Palestinian prisoners´ club" said the Israeli occupation forces arrested the girl Suzanne Ibrahim al-Salaima, 25, from Hebron, a doctor who works at Al-Ahli hospital in the city.

Local sources said that the Israeli occupation forces arrested the doctor al-Salaymeh at a military checkpoint near the Qafisha building near Tal Armdeh (central Hebron), after missing her for more than one and a half hours.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation forces continue to disregard 48 Palestinian women and girls (out of 5700 prisoners) under difficult conditions of detention and in violation of their most basic rights.