Israeli forces arrest 3 Palestinians from the West Bank

Israeli forces arrest 3 Palestinians from the West Bank

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

Israeli occupying forces arrested three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank early Friday.

According to a statement issued by the Israeli occupation army, Israeli forces arrested two Palestinians during a military incursion into Palestinian cities and towns on Sunday, claiming that they were "wanted" on charges of carrying out activities related to the popular resistance against Israel targets.

The occupying army claimed that his forces had arrested a young Palestinian who had not been identified-he said he had found a "knife " near the village of Azzun, east of Qalqilya, where he was standing with a group of other youths near the village.

The Israeli arrests affected the young man Rami Izzat al-Rimawi from the town of Beit Rima, northwest of Ramallah, and the young man Ahmed Hebron from the Western District of Tulkarm, while the third detainee was not identified.

The occupation army announced the seizure of thousands of shekels (NIS 0.29) during a raid and search campaign in the town of Silwad, northeast of Ramallah, north of occupied Jerusalem, allegedly linked to the Palestinian resistance.

The West Bank is witnessing almost daily arrests of Palestinians by the occupying army, with semi-official statistics indicating that there are some 6,500 Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails.