Israeli decision to demolish 100 apartments in Sur Baher

Israeli decision to demolish 100 apartments in Sur Baher

The Israeli High Court of Justice has decided to demolish 15 residential buildings with 100 apartments in the Wadi al-Homs area in Sur Baher, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, on the grounds that it is close to the separation wall.

Some of these houses have been granted building permits by the PNA because they are located in Area A, but after the Israeli Supreme Court legitimizes the law prohibiting construction near the Apartheid Wall, thousands of apartments on both sides of the wall are in danger.

Hamada Hamadeh, head of the committee for the defense of Wad al-Homs houses, said that the attack by the Israeli Civil Administration included the demolition of homes in the areas of the A-BJ adjunct to the wall on the 250-meter-long campus on each side of the wall. He pointed out that the demolition orders were issued by the military commander 16 buildings maintaining more than 100 housing units. Indicating that the court took its final decision on June 11 Union.

Hamada said that the committee is about to hold an emergency meeting of the media on Saturday and set up a protest tent to prevent this dangerous precedent that threatens the Palestinian presence along the apartheid wall in all Palestinian areas.

He pointed out that the occupation not only these buildings to issue demolition orders against them and to prevent construction, but has directed the decisions to stop the construction of more than 20 new facilities during the last three months.

The Committee explained by its Chairman that it will go to all relevant parties to help prevent the implementation of this resolution. And empowering the committee of lawyers who represented those affected to prepare a new case law to try to stop the implementation of the demolition decision. This request is supported by another request from the High Court of Justice to stop the construction currently being transported out by the Israeli occupation authorities along the wall in the same area with the aim of establishing a main road between Ma´aleh Adumim and Jabal Abu Ghneim , in order to pressure them to ease the owners of this issue, pointing out that a case will be filed under the name of canceling the decision to prevent construction against the area adjacent to the wall.