Israeli bulldozers close agricultural road between Azzun and Kafr Thaaawith with dust and rocks

Israeli bulldozers close agricultural road between Azzun and Kafr Thaaawith with dust and rocks

Today, the Israeli army closed the agricultural road between the town of Azzun and Kafr Al-Ta´r, east of Qalqilya, leading to the Laayoune area in Wadi Qana with dust and rocks.

Hassan Shabita, a notary of Israeli violations in the town of Azzun, said: " A military bulldozer belonging to the Occupation Army and guarding the army patrols, closed the agricultural road, which was recently opened to facilitate communication between farmers and their lands in Azzun and Kafr Thirds, located in the area of Laayoune in Wadi Qana, and the closure of the agricultural road will lead to great harm to the farmers, especially that The season of picking olives on the doors, and the separation of the Laayoune area is a measure of revenge and collective punishment on the grounds that the road is adjacent to the fence of the Settlement of Ma´ale Shamron.

The israeli government has decided to extend the closure of the palestinian territories to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the jerusalem-based Palestinian Authority said.

The occupation is carrying out punitive measures against the residents of Azzun town and is condemned by the closure through six security and agricultural gates, military surveillance towers, security cameras and round-the-clock intrusions.