Israeli army decides to tighten fire on Gaza border

Israeli army decides to tighten fire on Gaza border

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

The Israeli occupation army has decided to tighten the rules of firing against Palestinian demonstrators on the borders of the Gaza Strip, following international criticism of the Army´s practices and the large number of Palestinian martyrs and wounded.

The Hebrew "0404 " Position said that the upper echelons of the army issued a new directive on Wednesday to the soldiers on the opening of fire on the borders of the Gaza Strip.

The Hebrew site, close to the occupation army, said that under the new directives, soldiers were prohibited from firing at the marchers on the Gaza border except in certain exceptional cases.

He noted that the new directives prohibited firing at stone-throwers, including those using catapults. He noted that it was forbidden to shoot in additional cases, which were not granted personal approval by the higher echelons of the army.

The new instructions illustrate the cases in which firing is permitted, including the targeting of armed persons and snipers and/or responding to the source of firing on IDF troops from Gaza.

The site "0404 " drew attention to the fact that settlers in settlements adjacent to the Gaza Strip, greeted this decision with "outrage ", and criticized the Minister of the Army and the chief of staff, demanding the intervention of head of government Benjamin Netanyahu.

"This is not the way in which the residents of the settlements are protected," the settlers claimed.

The site quoted the spokesman of the Israeli occupation army as saying that the army operates in accordance with the rules of engagement and various operational challenges on the ground, and that these rules are arranged and adapted by the commanders according to the field situation on the ground.

Since March 30 March, Palestinians have been demonstrating near the border fence between the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories in 1948, as part of their participation in the marches of "return and breaking the siege", calling for the lifting of the 12-year siege of Gaza and the return of Palestinian refugees to their cities And their villages from which they were abandoned in 1948.

The occupation army suppresses these peaceful marches with "Violence", where the demonstrators are heavily shot, in addition to poisonous and gas-fired bombs.

As a result, since the end of last March, 196 Palestinians (including 10 martyrs whose bodies had been detained and not registered in the Ministry of Health´s statements) had been injured, while some 21,000 citizens, including 400 in serious danger, had been wounded.