Israel bans Palestinian entry into West Bank

Israel bans Palestinian entry into West Bank

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

The "Population Authority " of the Israeli occupation authorities, the American writer, of Palestinian origin, Suzanne Abu al-Hawa, was prevented from entering the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Hebrew daily Haaretz said Friday that Abu al-Hawa had arrived at Israel´s Ben Gurion airport to attend a literary festival in the West Bank before being returned to the United States.

The Hebrew newspaper quoted the "Housing Authority" as saying that the refusal to accept Abu al-Hawa "was not because of her arrival, but because she was involved in a previous incident three years ago, claiming that " Susan  "arrived at the end of July July 2015, to the" Allenby  "crossing in the Jordan Valley and acted there" enthusiasm, rudeness and rudeness. "

"I refused to cooperate with the questions of the security officials about the target of their arrival," Ha´aretz said. As a result, she was denied entry, and the representatives of the Housing Authority explained to her that she had to arrange in advance for her future visits to  "Israel".

The occupation authorities claimed:  "This time, Susan Abu al-Hawa landed at Ben Gurion Airport without the order of her arrival and today, she behaved in a rude and violent manner."

Lawyer Mir Planck, who represents Abu al-Hawa, told Ha´aretz that she had decided to stay at Ben Gurion Airport for the time being and went to the central court against the decision to prevent her from entering.

Abu al-Hawa was due to participate in the Arab Literature Festival, "Kalimat", which will last for a week, with the participation of a number of Palestinian and international writers in various Palestinian cities.