Iran imposes sanctions on Trump and several of his ministers

Iran imposes sanctions on Trump and several of his ministers

Iran imposed sanctions on Tuesday evening on the outgoing US President Donald Trump and several ministers and advisors from his administration who participated in his campaign to exert maximum pressure on Iran.

These sanctions include travel bans and a freeze on financial assets of Trump and other targeted US officials, who may have them in Iran.

These measures were taken according to a law issued in 2017 under the title "Combating human rights violations, adventurism and terrorist acts of the United States in the region," according to a statement issued by the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

In addition to Trump, who leaves the White House on Wednesday, the sanctions specifically target Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin as well as Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

The list also includes former CIA Director Gina Haspel, former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton, US special envoy to Iran Brian Hook, and his successor, Elliot Abrams.

In view of the barrage of US sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic and the repeated attacks by the outgoing US president and the people targeted by sanctions on Iran, it is almost unlikely that they have assets in Iran or have the intention to visit Tehran.

Iran and the United States cut diplomatic ties in 1980.

Trump unilaterally withdrew his country from the international agreement on Iran´s nuclear program concluded in 2015, and re-imposed sanctions that the agreement had stipulated to be lifted in exchange for curtailing the controversial Iranian atomic program.