Investigation: Children of the Bakr family martyred by aerial bombardment

Investigation: Children of the Bakr family martyred by aerial bombardment

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

An investigation by the Israeli military police revealed that the killing of the children of the Bakr family during the 2014 war in the Gaza Strip was carried out with aerial bombardment by drones and not by Israeli gunboats, as was believed when the massacre of foreign photographers took place.

Four of the children of the Bakr family were martyred while on the shore of the Gaza sea in exchange for their homes, in a deliberate massacre of children who were using quiet time to go off the sea.

According to the investigation published by the Hebrew daily Haaretz, quoting the US Intersat site, intelligence and the wrong diagnosis have led to the targeting of children.

During the investigation, the officers supervising the operation claimed that the children had been diagnosed as Hamas elements who would have fired special rockets and that the place had been spotted earlier during a rocket attack by Palestinian armed elements.

Investigations show that the planes fired a rocket into one child, which immediately killed him, while the other children who were prosecuted were released on the instructions of the intelligence officer and a second missile was fired at them as they approached a maritime police station in the area, killing three and injuring four others.

According to the site, although these testimonies were collected in the report, the case was closed by the military prosecution, which considered that no disciplinary decisions or criminal follow-up was required.