Injuries, including two photojournalists, as a result of the occupation´s suppression of the Kafr Qaddum march

Injuries, including two photojournalists, as a result of the occupation´s suppression of the Kafr Qaddum march

 A number of citizens, including two photojournalists, were injured today, Friday, as a result of the Israeli occupation forces´ suppression of the weekly march of Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya.

The official news agency reported that the occupation forces suppressed the peaceful march and fired "rubber" and "sponge" bullets, stun grenades, and tear gas at the participants, wounding Palestine TV cameraman Bashar Nazzal and cameraman Abdullah Shteiwi, with two "sponge" bullets, in addition to As a number of civilians suffocated, they were treated in the field.