Injuries during the occupation suppression of the weekly Kafr Qaddoum march

Injuries during the occupation suppression of the weekly Kafr Qaddoum march

Dozens of Palestinians, including children, suffocated today, Friday, as a result of the Israeli occupation army´s suppression of the weekly Kafr Qaddoum march against settlements and demanding the opening of the village street, which has been closed for nearly 18 years.

The occupation soldiers fired tear gas canisters and rubber-coated metal bullets, causing dozens of suffocation to be treated in the field.

The occupation army also stormed the homes of the citizens, climbed the roofs of some of them and used them for snipers who opened fire at the young men.

It is noteworthy that the residents of Kafr Qaddoum villages have been going out weekly and for years, in peaceful marches against the apartheid wall, calling for the release of prisoners, and an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.