How long does asylum procedure take place in Germany?

How long does asylum procedure take place in Germany?

Berlin - Asylum seekers in Germany do not have to wait long to decide their asylum requests.

The German Interior Ministry said in response to a query that the period of asylum applications currently takes six months on average.

The average duration until the end of last year was 7.5 months and 8.4 months in 2017.

In the first half of this year, the Federal Commission for Migration and Refugees received 84,866 asylum applications, of which 1,913 were previously requested for protection.

According to data from a ministry spokesman, there are no statistics on the average length of asylum re-examination procedures for asylum cases. These procedures concern whether the reasons for asylum are still in force and whether there is new information available on the identity of certain refugees.

In the first four months of this year, the Federal Immigration and Refugee Commission (FIDA) canceled some 600 positive asylum decisions after the re-examination procedure was implemented. More than 98% of the re-examined cases retained asylum status.