House demolitions and uprooting of trees in Salfit and Hebron

House demolitions and uprooting of trees in Salfit and Hebron

The occupation forces demolished, today, Tuesday, a house under construction in the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit, on the pretext of not licensing.

Local sources reported that the Israeli occupation forces, accompanied by bulldozers, stormed in the early morning Al-Ras area, east of the town, to demolish four houses in the area.

The sources pointed out that the bulldozers demolished a house under construction belonging to Radhi Tawfiq Merhi, before the municipality, through the Jerusalem Legal Aid Center, was able to issue an urgent decision to stop the demolitions.

Clashes erupted between the residents and the occupation forces during the demolition process, during which the soldiers fired tear gas canisters.

On the other hand, occupation bulldozers uprooted dozens of trees in the town of Deir Istiya, northwest of Salfit.

Local sources reported that bulldozers bulldozed vast areas of land planted with olive trees and forest trees located west of the town near the bypass road that settlers take towards Wadi Qana.

The occupation soldiers prevented the owners of the land from accessing it during the razing operation.

The occupation forces also demolished two houses in the village of Birin, east of Hebron.