The Israeli government is preparing , during the next few weeks, to begin procedures to legalize no less than 70 new settlements and outposts, most of which are located near settlement blocs and known settlements existing in the West Bank.
According to the Hebrew newspaper, Israel Hayom, these will join the 9 settlements that were legalized in the West Bank by the Israeli government last February.
These settlements , which will be legalized, will be provided with the full infrastructure of water, electricity, etc., and security protection will be ensured for them, like the rest of the existing settlements .
She indicated that some outposts and settlements will not be legalized at the present time because their situation is complicated due to their presence on private lands, but a decision is expected to be made regarding them in the future.
And it indicated that within 4 to 6 weeks a list of the names of those outposts and settlements will be published to officially become part of the official infrastructure of the existing settlements.
Large financial budgets will be allocated by the current government for these outposts and settlements.
Hebrew newspaper: The Israeli government will legitimize within weeks 70 new settlements and outposts