Health: The danger remains as new stranded people return to Gaza

Health: The danger remains as new stranded people return to Gaza

Ashraf Al-Qedra, spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, said today, Saturday, that there are real fears of recording new infections with the Corona virus if new stuck people return to the Strip.

Al-Qudra said in statements to local radio stations in the Gaza Strip that the curve of the epidemic in the areas adjacent to Gaza keeps the danger present, especially with the possibility of the return of new people stranded through the Gaza ports and crossings.

He pointed out that the spread of the disease in Egypt is increasing rapidly, adding to the pressure on the sector in light of the return of new stuck people, pointing out that the recent injuries that recorded and reached 51 cases were among the last batch coming from Egypt.

And a health spokesperson expected that the number of those infected with the virus will return to Gaza from a large number.

And that the ministry is working to end hosting all citizens in the stone centers according to the approved protocol, and to rehabilitate and sterilize the centers to be ready to receive new returnees if the crossings are reopened again early next month as expected.

The ability confirmed that no new infection with the Corona virus was recorded.

Regarding what is being reported about the visit of the Qatari ambassador, Mohammed Al-Emadi, to his ability to transfer him to quarantine, Al-Qudra said, "There are clear procedures, and there is a clear evaluation by government agencies and the Ministry of Health regarding this."