Global Health: Vaccines and treatments for Ebola are on their way to Guinea and the Congo

Global Health: Vaccines and treatments for Ebola are on their way to Guinea and the Congo

The World Health Organization confirmed today, Tuesday, that the authorities in Guinea and the Congo are working at maximum speed to contain the outbreak of the Ebola virus in two separate foci.

A spokeswoman for the organization said, at a press conference in Geneva, that vaccines and medical treatments are being shipped to the two countries to enhance their current stocks.

Guinea, in West Africa, has announced seven cases and three deaths. The United Nations Organization also announced that four cases and two deaths had been detected in eastern Congo, in Central Africa.

Ebola is a highly contagious virus that causes fever, and often leads to severe internal bleeding and death.

The spokeswoman indicated that the health authorities in the two countries have experience in dealing with Ebola from previous outbreaks. She stated that the authorities in Guinea and the Congo are already monitoring hundreds of people who have been in contact with the sick, to monitor whether they have contracted the infection.

In the last outbreak of Ebola in West Africa (2014-2016), more than 28,000 cases and 11,310 deaths were recorded in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

The last outbreak of the Ebola virus ended in eastern Congo last year, after 2,299 deaths and 1,162 recoveries were recorded.