Global Health: The Wuhan seafood market has a role in the Corona outbreak

Global Health: The Wuhan seafood market has a role in the Corona outbreak

A Russian expert said that the Hunan Seafood Market in Wuhan may have allowed the spread of the new Corona virus, but this does not mean that the virus originated there.

Russian news agency (Sputnik) quoted Vladimir Didkov, a member of the WHO expert team, as saying on Thursday: "There is no evidence that the virus originated there," but "hypothetically, all conditions are available for the virus to spread there."

The seafood market was linked to an early group of cases of the new coronavirus disease (Covid-19), but scientists have not yet reached a firm conclusion regarding the role the market played in the outbreak of the infection.

While visiting the Wuhan Institute of Virology with nine other WHO experts on Wednesday, Didkoff disproved the theory of virus leakage.

He said, "Of course, it was important for our mission to visit this facility, talk to our colleagues and find out how everything is organized there."

"The laboratory is well equipped. It is difficult for me to imagine that something could leak out from there," he added.