Ghoneim demands pressure on Israel to stop the theft of Palestinian water

Ghoneim demands pressure on Israel to stop the theft of Palestinian water

The head of the Palestinian Water Authority, Mazen Ghoneim, stressed the need to press the Israeli side to stop its theft and pollution of Arab water, especially in Palestine.

Ghoneim called for the support of the health sector in Palestine for the arbitrary violations by the Israeli "occupation" as well as the support of the central desalination plant in the Gaza Strip, as it saves the lives of more than two million A man in the Gaza Strip.

He called on the countries to meet their financial obligations, which were decided at the last Brussels conference to operate the plant at a possible speed, which will produce 55 million cubic meters per year as a first stage until 2021, and will be expanded in the future as a second stage to produce about 110 million cubic meters annually to reduce the depletion of the groundwater reservoir, Reducing the environmental degradation of sea water and providing thousands of jobs, which will contribute to economic and social development and improve the daily living conditions of the people of the Gaza Strip.

He pointed to the need to adopt the "Network of Arab Water Experts under occupation" because of its political dimension of using water as an essential element in the Arab-Israeli conflict and its association with Israel´s plans for expansion and settlement in the Arab territories.

Ghoneim said that the issue of water in Palestine is a political one, as it is one of the five files of permanent solution in the final negotiations. He expressed his hope that the council will shed light on the reality of the Palestinian water sector.

The Arab ministers in charge of water at the headquarters of the Arab League discussed the serious water situation in Palestine in light of the challenges facing the Arab water in the region, especially in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. The Israeli side refused to increase the quantities of water, although they did not meet the actual needs of the citizens. Its water share is much lower than that provided by the World Health Organization, in addition to the theft of groundwater in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.