Germany .. Merkel in quarantine after contact with a doctor infected with the virus

Germany .. Merkel in quarantine after contact with a doctor infected with the virus

Stephen Seibert, a German government spokesman, said Sunday evening that Chancellor Angela Merkel had placed herself in a house quarantine, after contacting a doctor who was infected with the Coronavirus.

And, "Seibert", that "Merkel" confirmed in a press statement, that she had contact with a doctor last Friday, indicating that the latter, conducted a test to detect his infection with the Corona virus, and the result was positive .

The Bloomberg News, in an urgent news report, said that Merkel subjected herself to self-isolation at home, after contact with a doctor infected with the Corona virus.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel, has urged her citizens to adhere to the new restrictions that were approved, today, Sunday, and includes a ban on gatherings for more than two people, as part of efforts to combat the spread of Corona virus infection .

The gathering ban on more than two people, excluding family members staying in one house, was excluded.

As of Sunday evening, the virus has infected more than 332,000 people in the world, more than 14,000 of them have died, mostly in Italy, China, Spain, Iran, France and the United States, and more than 97,000 have recovered .

The worldwide spread of the virus has forced many countries to close their borders, suspend flights, impose curfews, cancel numerous events, and prevent gatherings, including group prayers.