Gaza: "Health Ministry" warns of returning to closure after entering a second wave of Corona

Gaza: "Health Ministry" warns of returning to closure after entering a second wave of Corona

The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip warned, today, Sunday, of returning to impose strict measures, including a comprehensive closure, in the event that the situation is not remedied before it is too late, with the entry of the sector into a second wave of the Corona virus.

Magdy Dahir, director of primary care at the ministry in Gaza, said during a press conference: The epidemic must be controlled by adhering to safety and prevention measures, indicating that the sector a few days ago entered an alarming stage with an increase in the number of HIV infections and some of them entering hospitals in cases Serious and moderate.

And he indicated that there was a case of non-compliance with safety procedures, which resulted in widespread confusion and the emergence of new cases.

He added: "This will result in the continuation of this situation, to come up with recommendations to return to the previous tightening measures, successively, according to each stage."

The Director of Primary Care indicated that the Ministry is monitoring the epidemiological situation daily to determine the policies it will take, to remedy this stage, calling on everyone to join hands in order to control the epidemic.

"We are faced with two options, either adhering or slipping into the abyss," Dahir said.

Dhaheir pointed out that there will not soon be enough vaccines for a large sample of society, so the option is to follow safety procedures, he said.

For his part, Rami Al-Abadala, Director of Infection Control at the Ministry, said: The number of HIV infections began to increase since the next month, by up to 15 percent, and with it the number of infections with severe symptoms increased.

Al-Abadala indicated that there has been an increase in the number of visitors to emergency departments in Gaza hospitals since the beginning of the month, indicating that the largest percentage of recent virus infections came from mourning homes, weddings and schools, respectively.

In turn, Ashraf al-Qidra, the ministry’s spokesman in the Gaza Strip, said that health indicators were in a significant decline during the previous period, which led to a series of mitigating measures. However, recent days began to witness more daily injuries, including severe cases that reached 113. .

And the ability called on citizens to adhere to safety measures, prevention and not be complacent.