Gaza Ministry of Health receives Japanese ambassador

Gaza Ministry of Health receives Japanese ambassador

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

The Ministry of Health received this morning the Japanese ambassador to Palestine, Mr. Takeshi Okobo, where Dr. Ashraf Abu Mahadi, director general of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Health, paid the support positions of friends in Japan government and people and institutions for the health sector in Palestine through the implementation of various programs The development and rehabilitation projects, which contribute significantly to the improvement of the quality of the health service provided, noting that the Al-Shifa medical Complex is a testament to these projects and the interest witnessed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA.

 Dr. Abu Mahadi explained what the ministry is living from the various crises that have serious repercussions in various important services and facilities, from the crisis of shortages of medicines and medical consumables to the crisis of fuel shortages and the continuous interruption of the electricity supply and the lack of capabilities and operational expenses and other serious and difficult challenges that hinder the progress of the health service in the besieged Gaza Strip, Dr. Abu Mahadi expressed his wishes that the project to improve the capabilities of Al-Shifa medical complex is a real leverage in strengthening the services of blood banks and laboratories in the largest government hospitals in Palestine.

In turn, Japanese Ambassador Takeshi Okobo expressed his pride and delight at the end of the project to improve the capabilities of the blood bank in Al-Shifa medical complex and the efforts of all to make this pilot project successful, where the urgent need to find such projects because Gaza needs the support of the health sector to improve the service especially in cases Emergency, noting the value of the project, which amounted to $91 thousand dollars, during which the laboratory was provided with modern laboratory equipment, which estimated the number of beneficiaries of 21 thousand patients. Mr Okobo also emphasized continuing to work with friends in Palestine and the Government and civil sector to promote and improve the quality of the health service, and to continue supporting development projects and humanitarian action to empower communities and enhance the standard of living.

Dr. Medhat Abbas, director general of Al-Shifa medical complex, gave a brief explanation of the difficult health situation in Gaza as a result of the continued siege and closure and the worsening of the difficult and catastrophic life and living crises that threw heavy burden on the details of the health service and the suffering of the Shifa medical complex on the face The problem is unprecedented, as the consequences of the crisis of shortages of medicines and medical consumables in the simplest, and the lack of diagnostic devices and the shortage of human staff in addition to the worsening of the fuel crisis in the complex, noting that as a result of that situation some 8,000 surgeries were delayed, as Dr. Abbas Spoke What the ministry provided for the 20,000 injured return marches, of which 11,000 were admitted to surgical hospitals for complex surgeries and continuous therapeutic interventions that need to strengthen the shelves of various departments with medicines, equipment and tasks to enable the medical teams to continue to provide Health care for the wounded, and the price of Dr. Abbas to improve the capabilities of the central laboratory at Shifa Medical complex by supplying him with four modern chairs, a chemistry tester and a blood clotting tester, among others, explaining that the laboratory conducts about one million laboratory tests annually.