Gaza: Mass sit-in in support of renewed UNRWA mandate

Gaza: Mass sit-in in support of renewed UNRWA mandate

The PLO´s Refugee Affairs Department on Wednesday held a sit-in in front of the HEADQUARTERS of the Unrwa in Gaza City in support of its reauthorization for the next three years.

Hundreds of citizens took part in a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Palestinian Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in support of renewing its mandate for the next three years.

Hundreds of citizens participated in the sit-in, rejecting U.S. and Israeli resolutions calling for an end to UNRWA´s mandate, and urging UN member states to shoulder their legal and humanitarian responsibilities towards the Palestinian refugee in renewing the continued mandate until the return of refugees to their homes. They were abandoned in accordance with UN resolutions, particularly Resolution 194, which provides for the right of return and compensation for 71 years of suffering in refugee camps. According to the official agency.

In the speech, The Director-General of the Southern Governorate Camps in the Department of Refugees, Adel Mansour, called on the Member States of the United Nations, which supported the Palestinian right, to continue renewing the mandate for UNRWA and translating political support for Mali´s support for UNRWA, so that it could meet the Its services to all refugees in its five areas of operation, and to fill the budget deficit for this year to lead a decent life.

Mansour stressed that the presence of refugees in the camps is only a waiting time until they return to their homes of origin.

"We, the refugees in Khan Younis camp, thank and support the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, and the leadership for their political and diplomatic efforts, the overwhelming victory in breaking American and Israeli hegemony, and the convergence of the countries of the year around the right," said The People´s Committee for Refugees in Khan Younis Omar al-Perm camp. The Palestinians are free, independent and the right of refugees to return to their homes."

For her part, the head of the Women´s Committee of the People´s Committee for Refugees in Khan Younis Huda Al-Houli camp, stressed the need to rally around the PLO and the decisions of President Mahmoud Abbas, and support all activities that will combat u.S. decisions against refugees in the diaspora.

She stressed women´s participation in supporting Palestinian sovereignty decisions and their acclaimed giving at all local and international levels.

All the popular committees for refugees in the eight camps in the Gaza Strip participated in the mass sit-in, and called on the countries of the world to reject the American bias of the Israeli occupation usurping our land, and to recognize the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, in response to the American administration and its denial of the rights of our people in Freedom and independence.