France: Solidarity demonstrations for the teacher killed near Paris

France: Solidarity demonstrations for the teacher killed near Paris

It is expected that a number of solidarity demonstrations will take place today, Sunday, after a teacher was killed in a suspected Islamist attack.

The editors of the satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo" called for a demonstration in Paris on Sunday afternoon with the anti-racism organization SOS Rasism and teachers´ unions. People are also expected to take to the streets of many other cities, such as Marseille or Bordeaux.

France experienced the shock of Friday due to a brutal murder and beheading of a 47-year-old history teacher in a suburb of Paris, apparently due to discussion of the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that originally appeared in Charlie Hebdo magazine.

The teacher displayed the cartoons during a class on freedom of expression in early October.

The magazine´s initial publication of the cartoons led to a bloody attack targeting Charlie Hebdo´s offices in January 2015. The suspects accused of having links to these attacks in 2015 are now before the courts in a trial that is expected to continue until mid-November.

A subsequent series of attacks in France, many of which were claimed by the Islamic State terrorist group, killed more than 230 people in 2015 and 2016.

The former Charlie Hebdo office site witnessed a machete attack just a few weeks ago after some cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad were reprinted before the ongoing trial began.

Many already took to the streets across France on Saturday to express their solidarity with the teacher, often using the slogan "I am a teacher", in imitation of the previous slogan "I am Charlie Hebdo" that became a slogan for demonstrations during solidarity rallies with the magazine in 2015.