For the thirtieth day in a row, prisoners in the Israeli occupation prisons continue to escalate the steps of disobedience against the prison administration, in protest against the implementation of the abusive measures against them recommended by the extremist minister Itamar Ben Gvir, the first of which It controls the amount of water, and reduces the hours of using the bathrooms designated for showering, in the new sections. In (Nafha and Gilboa).
The prison administration had informed the Supreme Emergency Committee for prisoners that it would double and expand its range of punishments and threats if they continued with their current steps. In light of this, the prisoner movement announced, on the basis of unity, to double the state of alert and mobilization among its ranks, until the date of announcing the open hunger strike.
It is noteworthy that the Emergency Committee announced a series of struggle steps against Ben Ghafir´s measures, starting with disobedience, and culminating in announcing a hunger strike on the first of the next month of Ramadan.
The number of prisoners in the occupation prisons is about (4,780), including (160) children, (29) female prisoners, and (914) administrative detainees.
For the 30th day... the prisoners continue their disobedience against the prison administration