Five administrative detainees have been on hunger strike for weeks

Five administrative detainees have been on hunger strike for weeks

Five Palestinian prisoners at the Israeli prison of the Negev Desert continue their open hunger strike in protest at their detention, the Palestinian Prisoners´ Club said Tuesday.

The Prisoners Club said in a statement that "the five prisoners are in the cells of the Israeli occupation detainees in the Negev desert prison, and they continue their open hunger strike in rejection of their administrative detention."

The administrative detention system inherited from the British mandate allows Israel to detain any person for six months without being charged by an indefinite administrative decision, which is a flagrant violation of human rights.

According to the prisoner´s club, 450 Palestinians are being held in Israeli jails.

The prisoners´ club mentioned the names of the prisoners and information about each of them as follows:

"Prisoner Hossam al-Raza (61 years) from Nablus governorate began his hunger strike on 19 March 2019. He has been detained since 17 April 2018. He is a former prisoner who spent a total of 18 years in Israeli detention centers.

The prisoner Muhammad Tabnajeh (38 years old) from Nablus Governorate was arrested on 28 June 2018 and began his strike on 25 March 2019. He is married and has two children.

Khaled Faraj, 31, from Dheisheh refugee camp, was arrested on 23 January 2018 and began his hunger strike on 26 March 2019 against his administrative detention.

Prisoner Hassan al-´Awiwi, 35, from Hebron, was arrested on 15 January 2019. He began his hunger strike on 2 April 2019. He is the father of three children and has spent years in Israeli detention centers.

The prisoner Ida Haroub, 32, from Dura, has been detained since December 2018 and began his hunger strike on 2 April 2019. "

On April 9, more than 400 Palestinian prisoners declared an "open-ended hunger strike" called "Al-Karama 2 Strike" to protest against new sanctions imposed by the detention department.

On 15, they suspended their strike after reaching an agreement with the Israel Prison Administration to "meet a range of their demands for life."