Find the second largest diamond in history

Find the second largest diamond in history

The second largest diamond in history has been found in Botswana, but it has been found to be of no value or even the least weight, according to the Bloomberg website.

The cause of the relative decline in the value of the diamond and whether it is related to surface deformation is not immediately clear, but the site said the "giant" diamond found at the Krawi mine in Botswana weighs 1758 carats, making it the second- largest diamond in history.

The mine of the Locara mine of the Locara Diamond Mine has become one of the largest mines known for the discovery of giant diamonds. In 2015, the mine was discovered in the same mine by the 11,110 carats of Lisidi la Rona, And sold for about $ 53 million.

A 813-carat diamond, sold for $ 63 million, was also found in the mine itself.

Although the new diamonds found recently have more weight and volume than the two mentioned masters, their price will not reach their price.

The significance of the discovery is that the mine itself turned into the giant rough diamond mine, before it was destroyed and refined.

The finding also means that in the same mine, two giant chains of more than 1,000 carats were found in just four years, giving hope for more giant diamonds.

The largest diamond ever found is the Cullinan diamond, which weighs 3106 carats and was found near Pretoria in South Africa in 1905.

The diamond was cut into several polished diamonds, including the "Great Star of Africa" ​​and "Little Star of Africa", and were incorporated into the British Crown Jewels.