Filed a lawsuit against Trump for calling Covid-19 "the China virus"

Filed a lawsuit against Trump for calling Covid-19 "the China virus"

WASHINGTON - (Xinhua) - A civil rights group has sued former US President Donald Trump for calling COVID-19 the "China virus."
The complaint, filed in federal court in New York by the Alliance for Civil Rights of Chinese Americans, claimed that Trump´s use of this phrase and other similar racist insults is unfounded, because the origin of the coronavirus has not yet been determined, and that Trump´s behavior has harmed the Chinese-American community.
The lawsuit, dated May 20, said, "Trump´s extreme and outrageous behavior was carried out throughout the pandemic with reckless disregard for whether such behavior would lead to psychological trouble for Chinese Americans."
The Coronavirus pandemic has led to an escalation of violence against Asian Americans - a large part of them Chinese Americans - which activists have blamed on Trump´s rhetoric.
The suit further alleged that Trump continued to use those insulting words to refer to the Corona virus, even when he knew that the virus did not necessarily come from China.
"The truth is important, and the words have consequences ... especially from those in powerful and influential positions," the complaint stated, "(Trump) intentionally repeated those bad words to serve his personal and political interests, with an amazing level of actual hatred and negligence, which led to grave harm to societies. The Chinese / Asian Americans ”.
The Civil Rights Alliance of Chinese Americans is demanding an apology of US $ 1 for every Asian American and Pacific Islander living in the US, which would total $ 22.9 million.
The plaintiffs said they would use the money to create a museum showcasing the history of Asian-American and Pacific Island societies and their contributions to the United States.