Facebook has been subject to civil rights complaints that it has been ignoring for years

Facebook has been subject to civil rights complaints that it has been ignoring for years

For years, the American social networking giant Facebook has ignored complaints by civil rights groups that they have not done enough to combat racism and discrimination and try to prevent voters from casting their ballots that are spreading widely On its site.

Bloomberg News reported today that pressure now from boycotting large advertisers is forcing it to address these concerns.

She said that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg agreed to meet next Tuesday with leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Anti-Defamation League and Color Change Organization to discuss their requests.

Facebook is increasingly taking a defensive side in front of the growing group of civil rights organizations, employees and companies calling for the tech giant to do more to combat injustice on its platform.

"The moment is a real moment of reckoning for the company," said Vanita Gupta, executive director of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. "There is a lot of pressure," she said.

Activists who are leading the campaign to persuade advertisers, including Starbucks Corp. and PepsiCo to stop spending on Facebook, focus attention on Facebook policies as public anger over racial inequality in America is mounting following shocking videos of George Floyd’s murder under the feet of a policeman .

Civil rights groups have long demanded that Facebook make changes to its policy and staff composition in order to address its complaints.