European countries in the Security Council reject Trump´s decision to recognize the Golan Heights

European countries in the Security Council reject Trump´s decision to recognize the Golan Heights

 Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Poland, members of the Security Council, on Tuesday rejected a US decision to recognize Israel´s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

"We do not recognize the sovereignty of Israel in the territories it occupations since June 1967, including the Golan Heights," the ambassadors said.

"We do not consider it part of the territory of the State of Israel."

"The annexation of territory by force is prohibited by international law, any declaration of unilateral border change is contrary to the rules of the international statute and the Charter of the United Nations."

During a meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday morning for the Middle East, other countries expressed their opposition to the decision announced by President Donald Trump on Monday.

Indonesia stressed that the United States decision "is a very serious violation of international law, it is absolutely unacceptable."

Kuwait also said that "Syria has the right to regain its territory," while South Africa expressed "concern" over the change in US policy.

Israel occupied the Golan Heights in 1967 and annexed them in 1981. This plateau is strategic for both countries. It is rich in water and overlooks the Galilee and the Sea of ​​Galilee from the part occupied by Israel.