Eiffel is 130 years old and Paris celebrates laser

Eiffel is 130 years old and Paris celebrates laser

Paris celebrated the 130th anniversary of the famous Eiffel Tower with an amazing laser display that captures the history of the landmark building in Europe.

At first, officials of the famous monument invited 1,300 children to "snack" on Wednesday at the bottom of the tower known as the "Iron Lady".

The tower will broadcast 12-minute laser displays on the facade until Friday, and can be viewed free of charge from nearby neighborhoods.

About 6 million people climb the 300-meter-high tower each year, as well as the crowds that come to look at Gustav Eiffel´s design, which was designed for the 1889 World Expo.

The Eiffel Tower was the world´s tallest monument at the time, and thanks to strict urban planning rules, the tower still looms in the Paris skyline from several distances.

The Iron Lady tower is undergoing maintenance and renovation before the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024.