Dozens were injured in clashes with the occupation army in the Jordan Valley

Dozens were injured in clashes with the occupation army in the Jordan Valley

today, Tuesday, dozens of civilians were wounded with rubber bullets and suffocation in clashes with the Israeli occupation army in the northern Jordan Valley.

According to local sources, the clashes erupted after a demonstration heading towards the experience Humsa Foqa where the Israeli army demolished three weeks ago, more than 70 buildings owned by 11 Palestinian families.

Director of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority, Murad Istiwi, said that the occupation army deployed military checkpoints at the entrances to the Jordan Valley and detained the participants in the demonstration.

Shteiwi added that the army attacked the participants in the demonstration by firing rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at the Tayaseer military checkpoint, east of Tubas, which led to dozens of injuries among them.

Medics said that one of the wounded was hit by a gas canister in the head and was taken to hospital, while the rest of the wounded were treated in the field.

The deputy head of Fatah movement, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, said that the demonstration in the Jordan Valley is part of the popular movement to address the violations of settlement expansion and confiscation of Palestinian lands.

Al-Aloul affirmed that "the decision was taken in the leadership of the united resistance that includes all factions to escalate popular activities in the face of Israeli crimes and expand them in all Palestinian areas."

He warned that Israel has increased settlement steps in the recent period, especially the increase in settlement outposts that were encountered, and that led to the removal of a number of them.

In turn, the official in the Jordan Valley file in the Tubas Governorate of the Palestinian Authority, Moataz Bisharat, said that about seven villages, in which about 1,400 Palestinians live in the Jordan Valley, are exposed to forcible transfer.

Bisharat warned that the plan to relocate Khirbet Homsa al-Fawqa is only the beginning of a wider scheme targeting most of the regions and communities, which numbered in the northern Jordan Valley, about 19, all of which are threatened with demolition.

Bisharat accused Israel of practicing forcible transfer against the Palestinian residents of the Jordan Valley in order to bring settlers to their place, as it built about five new outposts in the area, while there are 11 existing settlements in addition to 6 camps for the Israeli army.

He added that Israel had seized 180,000 dunums under the pretext that they are closed military areas, and Palestinians are forbidden to enter them, in addition to about 75,000 dunums that were confiscated under the pretext that they are nature reserves.