Dozens suffocated during the occupation´s repression of a peaceful activity against annexation in Qusin

Dozens suffocated during the occupation´s repression of a peaceful activity against annexation in Qusin

Dozens of citizens in the village of Qusin, west of Nablus, were suffocated due to inhaling tear gas released by the occupation forces to disperse a peaceful event organized in the village on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the fifth setback of June, in protest of a decision Occupation annexation of the West Bank.

The organization of this event came over the lands of the village that were threatened with expropriation at the invitation of the PLO factions and various institutions in Nablus Governorate and the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority.

The event started with the establishment of Friday prayers over lands threatened with confiscation with the participation of hundreds of citizens, and then turned into confrontations with the occupation forces, which were deployed in the site extensively, and the occupation soldiers fired rubber bullets, tear gas and sound bombs towards the people, causing dozens of them to suffocate, in addition to burning fires In areas of nearby fields due to bombs falling there.