Dozens of extremists storm Al-Aqsa

Dozens of extremists storm Al-Aqsa

On Wednesday morning, dozens of extremist settlers stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Mughrabi Gate, with close protection from the Israeli occupation police, and amid restrictions on entry to Palestinians.

The Directorate of Islamic Endowments and Holy Places in Jerusalem stated that about 85 settlers desecrated the Al-Aqsa Mosque, carried out provocative tours in its squares, received explanations about the alleged "temple", and performed Talmudic rituals in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa, specifically on the eastern side of it, with strict security protection.

The occupation police continue to restrict the entry of Palestinians from Jerusalem and the occupied interior to Al-Aqsa, and withhold their identity cards at its external gates.

During the settlers´ incursion, the Israeli occupation forces arrested a young man and searched him and his bag in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

 Accelerated steps towards conversion

In a related context, the Jerusalem Endowments stated that “the so-called Temple groups see that the time is now ripe for them to move towards the biggest and most dangerous step, which is the permanent presence inside Al-Aqsa, by cutting off part of its land and allocating it to the Jews.”

The Jerusalem Endowments pointed out that the menorah that was erected a few days ago adjacent to the Lions Gate, was previously installed in Al-Ghazali Square near it, "in the hope that at that time the extremists will be able to get closer, and it is not excluded that the Temple groups will try to introduce the biblical symbols - including the candlestick - to the mosque," Especially after the "Temple Forum" in the Likud party called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday to turn on the candlestick lights inside Al-Aqsa.