Donald Trump in a new rape scandal

Donald Trump in a new rape scandal

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump has faced an embarrassing situation after US author Elizabeth Jane Carroll accused her of trying to rape her while she was in a changing room in a Manhattan shop.

Tram was raped 23 years ago in a changing room in Manhattan, where she appeared on the cover of El, wearing the latest rape suit, and reciting the details of her assault. Sexual abuse by the US president.


The White House´s response to the rape incident: "A completely false and unrealistic story, which appears after all this time to abuse the image of the President," according to the site "Arm News".

The incident dates back to the end of 1995, when Elizabeth was in the Bergdorf Goodman shop in Manhattan. Trump went to look for a gift for a woman and asked him to help her choose the gift and try her on her job as she gave advice, but she refracted, Himself, but he took advantage of her presence in the changing room and began the rape.

Elizabeth was then trying to file a complaint against Trump and her hideous act and found support from a friend, but another friend advised her to forget that Trump was a great businessman in the United States.

According to the magazine "New York Magazine" that the fact that Elizabeth is the number 16, which accuses the current US president to sexually assault, especially after the series of sexual scandals that trailed Trump in the recent period.