Despite the deterioration of his health and psychological condition, the solitary confinement of the prisoner Rabie Abu Nawas continues

Despite the deterioration of his health and psychological condition, the solitary confinement of the prisoner Rabie Abu Nawas continues

 The occupation prisons administration continues to carry out the crime of solitary confinement against the prisoner Rabie Abu Nawas (33 years), from the town of Sinjel in Ramallah, in dangerous conditions, despite the continued deterioration of his health and psychological condition.

The Prisoner´s Club clarified that the prison administration is not satisfied with isolating him, but rather deliberately transfers him repeatedly from one isolation to another and obstructs his family´s visit to him, which contributes to the aggravation of his situation, especially since he is completely isolated from his fellow prisoners. 

He reiterated that the continuation of his isolation is tantamount to a slow killing process in light of the data that are received about his health and psychological condition. The prisoner Abu Nawas spent more than 20 months in solitary confinement, including 14 months continuously, and after efforts made by his fellow prisoners, his isolation was ended in the middle of the year. However, the prison administration dismissed him again about 7 months ago.

The Prisoner´s Club stated that Abu Nawas was subjected to a systematic process of abuse that has continued since February 2020, after the prisoners faced a massive repression in "Ofer" prison, during which the repressive forces attacked him, which led to his injury. He was later transferred to solitary confinement.